Category: Local plans and proposals
Update on plans for Kennington Park Community Centre
Kennington Park Community Centre is being refurbished, not demolished – see the latest plans!
Since consultation with residents began last summer, the Hyde Group has made substantial changes to its original proposal to demolish and replace the Community Centre. Residents made their hostility to these plans very clear, and many argued for the current Centre to be refurbished rather than demolished. This is what is now happening. Current plans now comprise retaining the best features of the Community Centre, in particular the Main Hall, and refurbishing the rest of the building to modernise it, enlarge the community room, rebuild the toilets and drains, and make it more pleasant, more eco-friendly and more cost-effective for us all to use. The courtyard space will be extended and turned into a community garden. And there will be a community cafe as part of the space at the front of the building. The current Arts Depot building will be replaced by modern facilities for community and creative…
Redevelopment of Community Centre – Hyde is consulting on the latest proposals – COME ALONG!
Hyde’s presentation of its redevelopment plans
Northern Line Extension update
Our sites at Kennington, Nine Elms and Battersea remain in “safe-stop” mode, meaning site-work on the project has been suspended during this coronavirus lockdown phase. We do conduct regular inspections to check all areas are safe and we maintain 24/7 security at each site. Behind the scenes, we continue to work on processes such as design, assurance, off-site manufacture and planning to ensure we can resume site-work effectively once the go-ahead is given. Any resumption of work on our sites will be in accordance with Public Health England and Government guidelines. We will update you when we can on any progress in this area. All Community Liaison Group meetings have been suspended until further notice. Again, we will update you when we have more to report. Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke (FLO), our main contractor on the project, has kindly donated masks, overalls, gloves and respirators to the NHS to help…
Oval Village
Tenants Meeting, 30 April 2019
The next meeting of Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association is on Tuesday 30 April. Please note that all our meetings will be on Tuesdays in future. There will be a presentation by representatives of Berkeley Homes, the property development company which is developing the Gas Holder site.
Is Kennington sinking? Public Meeting – 17 May 2018
Kennington, Oval & Vauxhall Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation From Helen Monger, Chair, Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Forum I am delighted to write to you to announce the launch of our Regulation 14 Consultation for our Neighbourhood Plan, and invite your comments. In accordance with Regulation 14 requirements we are letting as many people as possible know about our plan so that we can take into account any comments they may have. We are launching our plan with a public exhibition, food and fanfare, on Monday 19th March at 6pm at the Kennington Park Community Centre on Harleyford Street – all are welcome. We will be taking our exhibition around to local churches, community halls and markets over the next few weeks– look out for further promotion in due course. In any event, the full draft plan may be viewed: online at our website or in hard copy at: Tate…