Oval Gasholders masterplan consultation

Lambeth Council and Berkeley Homes are consulting on the draft masterplan for the Oval and Kennington Development Area (OAKDA), also known as the Gasholders site. Their website is at www.oakda.co.uk. The draft masterplan proposals can be found here (www.oakda.co.uk/master-plan) As well as the presentation evenings detailed on the leaflet below, a special consultation is being organised for residents of Kennington Park Estate in the Community Centre at 7pm on Thursday 12 November. ********************************** UPDATE: a further consultation meeting for KPE residents will be held on Saturday 5 December at 1 pm in the Community Centre. Tell your neighbours! Come along!  

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Kennington Green’s Tree of Heaven to be sacrificed for the NLE

From TFL :  Northern line extension   Activity Notification   November 2015     “Earlier this year we communicated that the Tree of Heaven (T4) on the north side of the Kennington Green worksite would require pruning due to the proximity of the construction works. Some initial pruning has been undertaken, however following further assessments by a tree specialist and London Borough of Lambeth tree officers we have been advised that pruning or lopping of branches will no longer be sufficient and it has now been decided that the tree will need to be removed. Unfortunately when a trenching and root survey exercise was conducted, it was found that the majority of the main roots have grown under Kennington Green. These roots need to be cut for the construction of piles, which could impact on the long term stability of the tree.  An on-going cycle of crown reduction would also…

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Northern Line Extension – and Oval roads

The latest monthly (October-December 2015) update from TFL can be found here. In addition to the NLE work, Thames Water is installing a new water main along Kennington Road. There may be loss of water when properties are switched over to the new pipework, probably early in the New Year.   An update on the works on the roads at the Oval can be found here  

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Kennington Park Flower Garden

 The Flower Garden in Kennington Park has been restored with the support of £500,000 funding, primarily from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Lambeth Council. It was formally reopened on 18 July, when a new sundial was unveiled by the MPs for Vauxhall and Bermondsey & Old Southwark, Kate Hoey and Neil Coyle.         The new sundial was made from Welsh slate by Sam Flintham, a student of historic stone carving at Kennington’s City and Guilds of London Art School.     The programme of events which will now be taking place in the Flower Garden is reproduced below – starting with Bat Walks on 22 August and 17 September (bat detecting at twilight!) and a guided walk through the garden on 5 September and 3 October.          

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Roadworks update from TFL

Oval Triangle road improvement works e-bulletin – 30 July 2015   “As you are aware, we are improving the junctions around Oval station to create segregated cycle lanes, enhance public spaces and improve pedestrian crossings as part of the Road Modernisation Plan. Main construction works started in March and are expected to finish in early 2016. I’m now writing with an update on recent progress and to give more information on upcoming work. Progress update Construction of the segregated cycle lanes continues along the A3 Kennington Park Road Magee Street resurfacing Vehicles can no longer turn left from the A202 Camberwell New Road at the junction with the A23 Brixton Road This change has applied from 20 July and is permanent We are also temporarily relocating pedestrian crossings; alternative crossings are clearly signposted whilst we carry out these works The installation of the new signals at Kennington Park Road at…

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Northern Line Extension Information Day 18 June

Kennington Park & Kennington Green Information Day – Thursday 18 June 2015 – Bishop House Children’s Centre, 5 Kennington Park Place – Entrance via Harmsworth Street   The Northern line extension (NLE) site set up has now commenced along the route and we would like to invite our neighbours in the Kennington community to visit our Information Day. This is an opportunity to find out more about the project in general and to talk to representatives from the Project Team. The Information Day will be held between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm in the Foyer of Bishop House Children’s Centre, 5 Kennington Park Place, London SE11 4AS (entrance via Harmsworth Street).         If you have any queries, please contact us at nle@tfl.gov.uk or call our 24/7 helpdesk on 0343 222 2424.

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More Local Road Disruption – Update on Magee Street

The exit from the Estate via Magee Street on to Kennington Park Road will be blocked for three weeks from 6 July. Magee Street’s one way system will be suspended so that vehicles can leave the Estate via Bowling Green Street (which will continue to be one way) and Kennington Oval.     TFL told us a couple of weeks ago – “A3 Kennington Park Road/Magee Street junction (planned temporary closure for three weeks from 6 July) There will be no vehicular access from Magee Street to A3 Kennington Park Road, while we resurface the ‘raised table’ at the junction. A3 Kennington Park Road – between the junctions with Magee Street and A23 Kennington Road (11 June- 16 July) Bus stop M (located near 240 Kennington Park Road) will be suspended during these works. The nearest northbound bus stop will be Bus stop Y (located near 198 Kennington Park Road). The loading…

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More news from TFL – more local disruption…

Oval tube station   The ticket office will close for ever on 20 April and TFL will be carrying out works in the ticket hall for a month. The station will remain open and we’ll be able to buy tickets from the machines. Northern Line Extension BT Openreach will be carrying out investigation works on their cable network in the area of Kennington Green for two weeks starting on 20 April. The work will be at night from 19:00 to 07:00. BT Openreach has advised that this work will be carried out by four workmen pulling cables from chamber to chamber. They will be using battery powered lighting and there will be no requirement to excavate or hand dig and no generators will be used. Hyde has told the TA that BT have been reminded and requested to ensure they carry this work out as quietly as possible so as…

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Roadworks, roadworks – all around us! And then they’re going to tunnel underneath …..

Kennington Park Estate is currently an island of tranquillity surrounded by traffic chaos and lots of traffic cones, heavy machinery and people in hard hats and hi-vis jackets. Whether that tranquillity will last when tunnelling for the Northern Line Extension starts, or if Hyde’s redevelopment of the Community Centre site goes ahead, remains to be seen.   The Northern Line Extension   A shaft and head house are being constructed at Kennington Green. The work here has just started and it is anticipated that it will be a worksite for at least three years. Lots of information can be found here http://www.tfl.gov.uk/northern-line-extension.   Oval Triangle Transport for London is making a lot of changes to the roads, junctions, traffic lights, crossings and cycle superhighways all round the Oval Triangle, Harleyford Street, Kennington Park Road and Kennington Road.   The roadworks here are likely to last a year… More information at:…

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