Revised proposals for redevelopment on the Estate

The Hyde Group has put forward revised plans for their proposed redevelopment of the Harleyford Street and Community Centre site on the Estate. Their plans are now for a smaller building than before, nine flats for sale, a replacement community centre with outdoor space and either offices or a small retail space on the ground floor facing the main road. Pictures of Hyde’s revised plans can be found here. Hyde’s information pack is here, including a Questions and Answers section. Their ideas for the Community Centre are here. Comments on Hyde’s proposals can be sent to: or to: the Hyde Group’s Oval office at Alverstone House, Magee Street, SE11 5TS, or Head Office at 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ.

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Developing the Harleyford Road and Community Centre site? – new proposals

The Hyde Group has revised its proposals to build on the Harleyford Road/Community Centre site, which we reported in October (see here), and is exhibiting a new version for consultation on 16 March between 6-8 pm.  

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Local Council Services to be Cut

Lambeth Council Cultural Services are being CUT! Government austerity measures mean that Lambeth Council’s funding has been halved, which means a devastating £90 million service cuts over the next three years. Some of those cuts will come from the budget for our local libraries, parks, sports centres and the arts, and many much valued and used local facilities could be for the chop.   Consultation is taking place with a closing date of 24 April.   The questionnaire is available online at and in the Library.   For residents of Kennington Park Estate the proposals particularly mean the loss of all council funding for our nearest library, Durning, and changes to the way Kennington Park is funded and operates.    Durning Library   The Council is proposing to turn Durning into a ‘Community Library’. There is a Campaign against this already underway:       As well as stopping…

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News and Information from the Tenants Association – February 2015

Introduction of warden controlled parking enforcement arrangements As agreed at the last meeting of the TA in November 2014, a formal complaint was submitted to HSH/Hyde on behalf of KPETA about the lack of parking enforcement arrangements on the Estate after more than two years. The TA received a full response from the Hyde London Region Director in which he conceded: ‘I agree that the time taken to review Hyde’s parking policy and complete a successful consultation process has been unreasonably lengthy. In planning this project and considering the extraordinary levels of resident engagement which have been allowed for officers should have been clear on project timescales and cut off dates for key decisions in order that a successful enforcement programme could have been put in place that balanced involvement and progress. In light of this we have decided, as an offer of good will, to provide something of benefit to…

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New buildings on the Estate?

Proposed development of Harleyford Road and Kennington Park Community Centre   The Hyde Group is proposing to replace our Community Centre and the office building at 8a Harleyford Street between Blades and Lockwood Houses with a five-storey block of 13 flats for sale, a small supermarket and a new, smaller Community Centre. Those residents who attended a consultation meeting in September, particularly those living nearest the site, did not welcome the plans. Amongst the concerns expressed was the overlarge size of the proposed development, the loss of daylight to neighbouring flats, the loss of the community centre’s outdoor space, the location of the retail unit’s delivery bay right next to people’s homes, traffic management both in respect of parking and an increased number of large delivery vehicles using the Estate’s narrow roads, and the fact that the proposed flats would solely be for sale rather than available to house local…

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