Residents’ meeting 16 March 2022

It’s been a while – but the Tenants’ & Residents’ Association is holding an online Annual General Meeting on 16 March 2022 to elect our officers and discuss issues such as rents, service charges, parking, repairs and cleaning. All Estate residents are welcome. The Zoom link is Please register is advance.      

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Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a much, much better 2021 from Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association and our brilliant friends and next door neighbours at Oval Arts Depot   Thanks to Shannon and Simply Smiley Productions for the photo.

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Invitation to Tenants’ & Residents’ meeting, 24 November 2020

Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association ************************************************** There will be a zoom meeting of the Tenants’ & Residents’ Association at 7pm on Tuesday 24 November 2020.   The link to register in advance for this meeting is: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. All Kennington Park Estate residents are welcome to come and discuss any housing, cleaning, repairs, service charge or maintenance issues with the TRA Officers and Hyde’s Property Manager. We are particularly aware that the work being carried out on the Estate in respect of gas and electricity mains supplies is disruptive. And local building work continues to cause problems for many residents. We will not be holding an Annual General Meeting this autumn but hope to be able to do so once it is easier to arrange. If you cannot come to the meeting but have…

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COVID-19 Coronavirus

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive and unprecedented danger to all our lives and livelihoods. STAY AT HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The situation and measures being taken are changing hourly and daily. Locally many volunteers have joined together in Mutual Aid groups to befriend and support those stuck at home with shopping, collecting prescription. You can contact the group covering Oval Ward and Kennington Park Estate through the Lambeth Mutual Aid Facebook page     Lambeth Council is working hard to help those who are most vulnerable and support local businesses, workers and residents. The Leader of the Council has written today (Lockdown Day 2) about some of the things they are doing “Today we are launching a helpline for vulnerable people to contact the council as part of our Community Hub which is the command centre for their protection and where food and medicine delivery,…

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KPE residents’ meeting, Tuesday 26 November 2019 – all welcome!

The next meeting of Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association is on Tuesday 26 November 2019. All residents are welcome to attend. As well as our usual discussions on repairs and estate management issues, we will receive a report on a recent major police operation in North Lambeth.  

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