Lambeth Carers Card


Carers’ Hub Lambeth and MYsocial are pleased to announce the launch of the Lambeth Carers Card. The Lambeth Carers Card helps unpaid carers plan for emergencies, and offers useful resources and information for your caring role. What’s included:  

  1. In an emergency: The card states up that ‘I am a Carer. Someone depends on me’ with space to add your emergency contact numbers. This means if something happens to you, people know who to contact to be able to look after the person you usually care for. You can also use our emergency plan template, flyer and tips, to help put a back-up plan into place. 
  2. Your free access code for the Lambeth version of the Carers UK digital platform. This includes e-learning, factsheets, interactive guides and essential information covering health and wellbeing, support for caring, financial planning, young adult carers and more.
  3. Access to Carers UK’s Jointly App for free. Designed to make caring for someone a little easier, less stressful and a lot more organised by making communication and coordination simpler between those who are sharing the care.
  4. Helpful information – keep up to date with the latest news, support and opportunities for carers in Lambeth via the Lambeth Carers Card newsletters and online events. 

If you’d like to find out more, our launch event video is available to view here, letting you know all about the resources on offer.

If you would like to sign up for the Lambeth Carers Card, please visit the Lambeth Carers Card website or call  020 7501 8973 or 

The Lambeth Carers Card is open to unpaid carers aged 18 +, living in or caring for someone who lives in the borough of Lambeth. A carer is someone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction.




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