Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association held on 27 September 2017 at the Kennington Park Community Centre
Present: 18 Tenants and Leaseholders of Kennington Park Estate. Joan Twelves in the chair
In attendance: Christina Edoja, Housing Officer, Hyde Southbank Homes, Cllr Claire Holland, Oval Ward Councillor.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the 2017 Annual General Meeting and introduced guests.
- Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Jack Hopkins, Cllr Jane Edbrooke (Oval Ward Councillors), and from Kerry Young and Kate Hoey MP.
- Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting held on 21 September 2016: The minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting were approved as a correct record of that meeting by those in attendance on that occasion.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting
It was confirmed that the majority of the matters arising from the minutes of the 2016 AGM were referred to in the Annual Report from the Tenants’ & Residents’ Association. It was noted that it was a matter of concern and disappointment that there were many issues which remained outstanding from this time last year and on which very little tangible progress had been made by HSH/Hyde management.
- 2016/2017 Annual Report from the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association
The written Annual Report was circulated. The Secretary presented the report as follows:
Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association had undertaken the following activities, among others, on behalf of all tenants and leaseholders during the 12 month period since the TRA AGM in September 2016:
- Campaign to stop the closure of the Community Centre, and negotiations with Hyde for Licence to Occupy the Community Centre until July 2018
- Day to day management of the Community Centre
- New organisational structure for the management of Hyde Southbank Homes including Kennington Park Estate
- Fire Risk Assessments
- Service charge scrutiny and review
- CCTV monitoring service: Proposal from Hyde to procure a new (costly) system
- Redevelopment of the gas holder site (OAKDA)
- Cleaning and grounds maintenance contracts
- SCCC (Oval cricket ground) proposal to increase seating capacity to over 32,000 from the current 23,000
- Parking enforcement
- Legal advice for tenants
Following a discussion the Annual Report from the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association was formally received and approved.
- 2016/2017 Finance Report from the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association
It was reported that the total expenditure from October 2016 to September 2017 was £333. (Leaflet printing and delivery: Website maintenance: General stationery) resulting in a balance of £1,112.55. The Finance Report was formally received and approved.
- Report from Oval Ward Councillors
Councillor Holland reported on the work undertaken by Oval Ward Councillors in collaboration with the Kennington Park Estate TRA and the work of Councillors representing the interests of the people of Oval Ward.
- Elections and Nominations
7.1 Election of block representatives to the Tenants’ Association Executive Committee
Cllr Holland was invited to take the chair to conduct the elections. She confirmed that the TRA Executive Committee held regular meetings in advance of full meetings of the Tenants’ & Residents’ Association in order to organise TRA meetings and conduct other TRA business. Membership of the Executive Committee represented an opportunity to influence and support the work of the TRA. Nominations were invited and agreed as follows:
Abel: Andrea Figueras
Alverstone: Rosie Nash
Blades: Ed Reid
Blythe: Bernard Jennings
Brockwell: Jennifer Gore
Grace: Jennifer Gore
Hornby: Kerry Young, M Evers
Key: No nomination
Lockwood: June Mahoney
Lohmann: Richard Livingstone
Read: No nomination
Sherwin: Joules Broderick
7.2 Nominations to Tenants’ & Residents’ Association Officer Positions
The Chair invited nominations to TRA Officer positions. It was confirmed that the nominations agreed by the AGM were to be formally recommended to the Executive Committee as per the process set out in the KPETRA terms of reference and constitution.
The following nominations were agreed:
Chair: Joan Twelves
Deputy Chair: Steph Reid
Secretary: M Evers
Treasurer: Madeline Ehrlich
- Housing/Estate Management Issues for the attention of HSH Management
Tenants and leaseholders expressed concern with reference to faulty balcony gates. It was confirmed that the maintenance contract was with SCCi and faults were reported by HSH staff at the time of estate inspections, failing that, it fell to residents to report faults. Unfortunately, formal estate inspections were on hold until the implementation of the new organisational structure across the whole of Hyde. Implementation was originally intended in September but had been delayed because Hyde had been over-optimistic in terms of the time required for preparation.
Residents also referred to the serious damage to the interior of homes on the Estate in the course of the vertical drainage stack clearance programme. While it was acknowledged that drainage stack clearance was essential, concern was expressed in view of the unacceptably delayed response from our landlord as residents had reported the urgent requirement for a programme of vertical drainage stack clearance over many years. Maintaining drainage facilities in proper working order was a landlord responsibility under the Landlord and Tenant Act and the absence of a planned and cyclical maintenance programme which included a regular programme of vertical drainage stack clearance was an abdication of that basic responsibility. It was agreed to seek details of the relevant Hyde policy from the Director of Property Services.
- Any Other Business
Dates for meetings of KPETRA in 2018 were confirmed as follows: 21 February, 25 April, 25 July, 26 September (AGM), 28 November 2018.
- Date of next meeting of the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association
The next meeting of the TRA meeting is scheduled for 7.00 pm on Wednesday 29 November 2017. TRA Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 1830 on 13 November 2017.
ME/20171127 Mins AGM KPETA