Agenda 29 November 2017

To tenants and leaseholders of Kennington Park Estate

You are invited to attend a

Meeting of the Kennington Park Estate

Tenants’ & Residents’ Association

6.30 pm for prompt 7.00 pm start

on Wednesday 29 November 2017

at the Kennington Park Community Centre

All tenants and leaseholders are members of the Association

and welcome to attend meetings

  A G E N D A

Welcome and Introductions

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2017: For approval and matters arising
  3. Kate Hoey MP: an update on the current debate on housing (Kate will also be contributing to our discussion on item 4)
  4. Hyde’s proposals for CCTV on the Estate: Presentation by Hyde officers, followed by Q&As and discussion.
  5. The Oval (Surrey County Cricket Club): Plan to increase the capacity of the ground:  Presentation by speaker from the Oval
  6. Housing management and estate management issues.  Reports and queries from tenants and leaseholders for the attention of HSH management
  7. Report from TA Executive Committee
  • Kennington Park Community Centre
  • New HSH/Hyde management and service delivery arrangements
  • Service charges
  • New plan for the gasholder site (Oval and Kennington Development Area)

8.Any other business


Date of next meeting: 1900, Wednesday 21 February 2018. 

Thereafter, 25 April, 25 July, 26 September (AGM), 28 November 2018


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